
For some decades the Ci Group has been blending and integrating technologies to enhance the human experience. What began in the workplace creating better meeting spaces has since gone on to explore how such workspaces can become more responsive to human need, made more healthier or be better equipped to be more productive. Similar principles have been applied to digital display, hospitality, aged care, and education. Growth has ensued as a result. The 100% Australian owned Ci Group is now ranked among the nation’s five largest integrators and number one for continued engagement.
Better Human Outcomes
Minimised Downtime
Relationship Based
Uniquely Skilled
Sustained Support

In becoming one of Australia’s largest integrators the company has substantially broadened its capability as well. Today this capability includes LED, digital display and video networks, hospitality tech, aged care tech, learning space tech, immersive experiences, smart lighting, and workplace wellness technology. (The latter in conjunction with Delos, the originator of the international WELL standard for buildings.) No other integrator of similar size is as multi-competent or versatile.

The Ci business model is relationship based across all categories with repeat custom usually generating the greater share of its turnover. Some client relationships have flourished for decades.

The human outcome delivered always remains the measure of any Ci Group project. If that takes extra effort in order to succeed, then so be it. The Ci Group is a “can do” organisation.

Humancentric outcomes

The Ci Group always measures its success in human terms. Has the project improved lives and the enterprise to which they contribute? Are the facilities Ci installed well-used and reliable, healthier, easy to comprehend? Are end users enabled to achieve more in their day? Are the lives of ICT and Facility managers made easier and more productive? Will this display delight as it should? Have we made the world a better place?

Demonstrable improvement

What is demonstrably better as a result of the Ci Group involvement? Is it a better workplace? A better hotel or aged care facility? A better stadium? A better university or institution? Have the business or strategic objectives been better met? Are the guest or resident rooms easier to use? Healthier?  More reliable? Better documented? Better maintained? Do they demonstrably contribute to a better bottom line? Can we show the return on investment?

Power of partnership

You always get a better result with technology when it’s managed in partnership on a continual basis. Technology is constantly changing whether for workplace, display, aged care or hospitality. So enjoying ongoing assistance with its upkeep and operation makes so much sense. When you have AV experts regularly in attendance, technological shortcomings get noticed more readily, along with incremental changes necessary to keep you up to date where it matters most.

Why The Ci Group is the right partner for you

  • Better user experiences
  • Higher productivity outcomes
  • Better wellness outcomes
  • Better delivery methodology

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