LED archway takes escalators to the next level


Australian shopping centres take note.  Dull escalator rides can be transformed with flexible LED display and imagination. Street Communications’ St Petersburg escalator arch successfully takes the category to the next level, both literally and figuratively.

This installation also highlights something else to consider when devising an LED project. If you use separate strips of LED rather than just one composite screen you can stretch your budget over a larger area for greater visual impact. There are plenty of other great examples of LED projects that do so, such as the Wells Fargo lobby in Denver, the EBay lobby or numerous LED sculptural pieces.

Using LED display judiciously as part of the architecture can transform the most mundane spaces into something special. Walkways can become exciting. Entrances can be made to look far more interesting and attractive. Theming can be added to retail areas pertinent to the season or sales event.

Because LED display allows you to combine colour and movement, spaces can readily become more playful and animated, and with the right choice of content, this can be done very economically. If you think LED display is too expensive to consider, simply give us a budget guideline and we’ll show you what’s possible. The cost of doing something interesting with LED display may be far more affordable than you think.

Even if LED display proves too expensive for you, the Ci Group has every other digital technology covered as well. You can also access best of breed LCD wall fabrication, projection, and standard digital signage. This includes digital mapping of 3D objects. If digital display of any kind can help you reach your business goals, the Ci Group is keen to help. We have helping businesses succeed in such matters for more than thirty years. A little creativity in execution can take a modest budget a long way.



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